Flights from Dallas to London

Useful information about the flight from Dallas to London

Flights from Dallas Fort Worth to London

The flight route from Dallas Fort Worth (DFW) to London (LON) is steadily increasing in popularity, with an average of 3 flights a day at present. Depending on which part of London you want to go to eventually, the airport you choose will either add on or shave off significant time on your total travel time. The actual flight time is around 9 hours, during which you will span a distance of 4 739 miles. The two airlines that offer a direct flight are: British Airways and American.

Cheap flights from Dallas Fort Worth to London

For a flight as long as this, getting a low cost connection usually means accepting a stop along your trip. This does not have to be an inconvenience and depending on the airline your transition could be painless and make you glad you went for the saving. As always, try to book your tickets as early as possible as that is the only sure way to get the best deal.

Destination London

London is supremely well connected at all of its airports. If you fly into the Gatwick International Airport for instance (London's second largest) the Gatwick Express goes to London Victoria Station every 15 minutes. The other airports are similarly well connected in terms of rail, bus and taxis.

Flight information Dallas - London
Cheap direct flights
Flight details Dallas - London
  • Flight duration: min. 08:55 / max. 10:08
  • Distance: 7653 km
  • Flights per week: 42
  • Return flight duration: min. 10:25 / max. 12:18