Flights from Washington DC to Chicago

Useful information about the flight from Washington DC to Chicago

Flights from Washington to Chicago

With between 30 and 40 flights a day, the flight route from Washington (WAS) to Chicago (CHI) is always full of travlers of many different kinds. The direct flight takes about 2 hours, covering a distance of 699 miles. Non-stop flights are provided by American Airlines, United Airlines and Southwest.

Cheap flights from Washington to Chicago

The cheapest way of getting to Chicago would be to book as early as possible. Be sure to compare prices online first to secure the best deal.

Destination Chicago

Passengers have a few options when it comes to the Chicago airports - Chicago Midway International Airport (MDW), O'Hare International Airport (ORD), West Chicago Du Page (DPA) etc. O' Hare is quite popular with with passengers, owed in part by the efficiency of its ground transpot system. One can get downtown using the local trains (CTA) or by road using the Interstate highways I-90, I-190. and I-294.

Flight information Washington-DC - Chicago
Flight details Washington-DC - Chicago
  • Flight duration: min. 02:01 / max. 10:50
  • Distance: 958 km
  • Flights per week: 313
  • Return flight duration: min. 01:35 / max. 09:21