Flights from Chicago to Denver

Useful information about the flight from Chicago to Denver

Flights from Chicago to Denver

Whether you are rushing over for a business meeting or are heading over for some mountain air in the mile high city, the route from Chicago (CHI) to Denver (DEN) has a lot to offer. The flight time is usually around 3 hours, covering around 920 miles. Airlines offering a direct flight include Spirit, United, American, Frontier, US Airways and Southwest.

Cheap flights from Chicago to Denver

Fortunately, popular flight routes like these are not short of cheap tickets. This one is no different. To purchase a low cost flight to Denver though, it is important to compare prices and availability online. Taking hand luggage only, flexibility in the dates of travel, booking during the off-peak season and buying an air ticket well in advance of travel will greatly help to keep prices down.

Destination Denver

Denver has a diverse array of attractions drawing travelers to its streets such as a popular zoo and beautiful botanical gardens. What is even better is that they are all easily reached upon landing. The airport has a Ground Transportation counter (located in the central area on level 5 of the Jeppesen terminal) to advise travelers on the manifold bus, commuter shuttles and taxi services on offer. Hotel shuttles are also provided as a courtesy by most of the hotels within the immediate vicinity of the airport.

Flight information Chicago - Denver
Cheap direct flights
Flight details Chicago - Denver
  • Flight duration: min. 02:38 / max. 09:35
  • Distance: 1450 km
  • Flights per week: 256
  • Return flight duration: min. 02:10 / max. 10:50