Flights from Chicago to Los Angeles

Useful information about the flight from Chicago to Los Angeles

Flights from Chicago to Los Angeles

Flights from Chicago to Los Angeles It takes about 4 hours from the time you leave the windy streets of Chicago (CHI) to reach the star studded ones of Los Angeles (LAX). In that short flight time you will have only covered 2800 miles, yet you will have entered a whole new world. Not only a world of glitz and glamor, but given the massive size of LAX airport, it could quite possible qualify as its own world . Airlines offering a direct route include: United, American, Virgin American, Spirit, Alaska, US Airways, Southwest, averaging around 25 a day.

Cheap Tickets

The best way to save money on your air ticket is by taking a connecting flight, which can shave $30 to $100 off the price. Be sure to take the usual precautions when searching for a low cost flight: making sure to avoid holidays, weekends and of course, try to book far in advance.

Destination Los Angeles

Los Angeles is well known to be expansive. This is great,. However, travelers should take care when choosing which of the 5 airports in the Greater los Angeles area to fly to. LAX, the most populr, is also the largest  - and this means that there are frequent traffic jams on the way from airport to downtown. However, neither does public transport seem like a real alternative. There is no train service directly from the airport but buses run to the Metro Green line at Aviation Station. Cabs into downtown LA will cost around $45.00, taking half an hour if traffic is good. in the rush hour, traffic can be painfully slow and the ride will cost a lot more. Hollywood and Disneyland are the city's saving grace and make up for all these inconveniences.

Flight information Chicago - Los Angeles
Flight details Chicago - Los Angeles
  • Flight duration: min. 04:25 / max. 11:25
  • Distance: 2826 km
  • Flights per week: 235
  • Return flight duration: min. 03:50 / max. 07:15