Flights from Atlanta to New York

Useful information about the flight from Atlanta to New York

Flights from Atlanta to New York

The route from Atlanta (ATL) to New York (NYC) is an important thoroughfare in the country with between 34 and 55 flights a day. In a flight time of just over 2 hours you will have crossed 750 miles. Airlines offering a non-stop option are: Alaska, Delta, United, AirTran, and American.

Cheap flights to New York from Atlanta

A number of airlines have low-cost tickets for this route leaving travelers more cash to spend during their vacation. As usual follow a few basic tips and make the most of the best offers: book early, avoid peak travel periods such as wekends and school breaks and do a flight price comparison online.

New York City and area

There are five airports in the New York area - these are JFK International (JFK), LaGuardia (LGA), Newark (EWR), Westchester and Long Island. From many of these, passengers can take the subway into downtown New York. Alternatively, there are the famous taxis - yellow cabs.

Flight information Atlanta - New York
Cheap direct flights
Flight details Atlanta - New York
  • Flight duration: min. 02:00 / max. 06:45
  • Distance: 1217 km
  • Flights per week: 411
  • Return flight duration: min. 02:22 / max. 06:30