Flights from Chicago to London

Useful information about the flight from Chicago to London

Flights from Chicago to London

The route from Chicago (CHI) to London (LON) is getting busier every year, with flights averaging between 4 and 8 flights a day. When booking, travelers are advised to choose the best airport for their particular stay in London. Since the city has 6 airports, all scattered around the map, this choice will make a large impact on the overall travel time. The actual flight time is around 7 hours and 50 minutes, covering a distance of 3 960 miles. Airlines offering a direct flight include: British Airways, American Airlines, and United.

Cheap flight tickets Chicago-London

Cheap tickets for flights are normally easy to find. The Chicago to London route is particularly popular with business travelers and those planning a nostalgic vacation in the city of kings, queens and knights. Low-cost flights can best be secured by making sure to book really early and avoiding holiday periods.

Destination London

All London airports are well linked to the capital city via public transport. From Heathrow Airport, passengers can, for instance, hop on a tube into central London or try one of the city's other iconic forms of transport: the red double decker buses and the black taxi cabs.

Flight information Chicago - London
Cheap direct flights
Flight details Chicago - London
  • Flight duration: min. 07:35 / max. 08:00
  • Distance: 6358 km
  • Flights per week: 60
  • Return flight duration: min. 08:45 / max. 09:15