Flights from Phoenix Sky Harbor to Los Angeles

Useful information about the flight from Phoenix Sky Harbor to Los Angeles

Flights from Phoenix to Los Angeles

It takes about 1 and a half hours from the time you leave Phoenix, Arizona (PHX) to reach the city of angels, Los Angeles (LAX). In that short flight time you will have covered 356 miles. Airlines offering a direct route include: American, Delta, Southwest, and US Airways, providing between flights 23-26 a day. The flight is popular due to its convenience as well as the big economic importance of both cities.

Cheap Tickets from Phoenix to Los Angeles

Make sure to take the usual money saving steps when searching for a low-cost flight: making sure to avoid school vacation periods, also trying to book long before the departure date.

Destination Los Angeles

Los Angeles is famous for its overwhelming size. LAX is the biggest of LA's 5 airports, which of course also means that you are more likely to get stuck in traffic on the way to or from the airport. In the absence of a train service buses run to the Metro Green line at Aviation Station. Taxis going downtown will get you into the heart of the city in a half hour in ideal traffic conditions.

Flight information Phoenix - Sky Harbor - Los Angeles
Cheap direct flights
Flight details Phoenix - Sky Harbor - Los Angeles
  • Flight duration: min. 01:23 / max. 12:20
  • Distance: 595 km
  • Flights per week: 217
  • Return flight duration: min. 01:15 / max. 06:55