Flights from Miami to Atlanta

Useful information about the flight from Miami to Atlanta

Flights from Miami to Atlanta

Detla and American are two airlines offering direct flights on the flight route from Miami (MIA) to Atlanta (ATL), offering between 18-19 flights a day. The flight time on the trip is 2 and a half hours, in which time you have covered 662 miles. Travelers generally make the journey both for business and pleasure.

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The best way to save on your air ticket on this route, as with any, would be to make sure that you book early. It is also a good habit to compare prices online before booking. That way you can compare different air tickets from a wide variety of providers and can get some great deals.

Destination Atlanta

The Atlanta metropolitan area has a good transport network, hence getting where you need to be is not a problem. For example, in addition to buses and trains one could take a shuttle downtown using the company called ''A National Limousine''. When you have reached downtown Miami, it is possible to visit the sights for example Dr Martin Luther King Junior's house or to explore the CNN studios that are to be found in the downtown area

Flight information Miami - Atlanta
Cheap direct flights
Flight details Miami - Atlanta
  • Flight duration: min. 01:53 / max. 02:09
  • Distance: 960 km
  • Flights per week: 150
  • Return flight duration: min. 01:51 / max. 02:06