Flights from Las Vegas to Chicago

Useful information about the flight from Las Vegas to Chicago

Flights from Las Vegas to Chicago

If you want to get from Las Vegas (LAS) to Chicago (CHI) there are between 15 and 18 direct flights a day to choose from. Southwest, American, United and Spirit offer these non-stop flights, which take about 3 and a half hours. In that flight time you will have crossed 1,518 miles.

Cheap flights from Las Vegas to Chicago

Fortunately, well-frequented flight routes like these have no shortage of cheap tickets. This one is no different. But to purchase a low cost flight to Chicago as with any destination, it is important to compare prices and availability online first.

Destination Chicago

Passengers can fly into any one of the Chicago airports - with O'Hare being the biggest and busiest. The city is linked to the airport with local trains (CTA) while access by road is also convenient. Interstate highways I-90, I-294 and Interstate I-190 are the main veins feeding the airport.

Flight information Las Vegas - Chicago
Cheap direct flights
Flight details Las Vegas - Chicago
  • Flight duration: min. 03:13 / max. 09:10
  • Distance: 2456 km
  • Flights per week: 242
  • Return flight duration: min. 03:44 / max. 08:50