Flights from Los Angeles to Vancouver

Useful information about the flight from Los Angeles to Vancouver

Information about Vancouver

The best time to visit Vancouver is between May and October. Vancouver is a rainy city. The main rainy season is from November to March, with less rain from June to August.

Chinese New Year is celebrated on the first full moon of the year between Jan. 21 and Feb. 21 with numerous events, street food and fireworks. At the end of June, the "Vancouver International Jazz Festival", one of the biggest jazz festivals on the west coast, takes place with more than 400 concerts (more than 100 of them free of charge). On July 1, people celebrate "Canada Day" with parades, a carnival, many festivals, air and naval shows, and fireworks. September sees a 10-day theater festival, the "Vancouver Fringe Festival."


Before your trip and once in Vancouver

Smoking is prohibited in all public buildings, transportation, shopping malls, restaurants and bars. Alcohol consumption in public is prohibited, and no open alcoholic beverages may be consumed in vehicles within reach of the driver. Lunch is available from about 16 CAD, beer from about 7 CAD. The restaurants are international, some of them strongly Asian.

Transport to and from the airport is possible using the "Canada Line" (the rapid transit line of TransLink) and takes about 26 minutes. The price per ride for 1 zone is about 2.75 CAD, 2 zones about 4 CAD, 3 zones about 5.50 CAD, plus about 5 CAD airport surcharge. The price of a cab is about 30 CAD.

Vancouver has extensive local transportation: light rail (SkyTrain), bus lines, trolley buses and ferries (SeaBus). The price per ticket, which is valid for 90 minutes, varies by zone (see above). A day ticket costs about 9.75 CAD. On the bus you should pay the exact fare as change is not given. Cab prices are higher: starting price for the first 3 km is about 10 CAD. However, many tourist destinations can be easily reached on foot or by bicycle.

Overnight stays in a guesthouse or a backpacker hostel start at 35 CAD/night. 3-star hotels cost on average from 90 CAD/night/person.

Flight information Los Angeles - Vancouver
Flight details Los Angeles - Vancouver
  • Flight duration: min. 02:55 / max. 03:53
  • Distance: 1743 km
  • Flights per week: 95
  • Return flight duration: min. 02:49 / max. 03:19