Flights from Atlanta to Washington DC

Useful information about the flight from Atlanta to Washington DC

Flights from Atlanta to Washington

If you are looking for options to get from Atlanta (ATL) to Washington D.C. (WAS) rest assured that you will find the right flight. There are between 38 and 51 direct flights a day to choose from, provided by three airlines: Southwest, Airtran and Delta. The flights take just under 2 hours. In that flight time you will have crossed 639 miles.

Cheap flights from Atlanta to Washington

Fortunately, busy flight routes like these are not lacking in low-cost tickets. This one is no different. But be sure to compare prices and availability online first so that you do not pay unnecessarily inflated prices.

Destination Washington

Having landed in the capital the transport system is as efficient as one would expect in this historic city. One could, for example, take the metrorail. The trains can be reached by using either of the enclosed pedestrian bridges on the concourse level, which connect to the station. Beyond that rental cars are available, as are Greyhound buses and taxis.

Flight information Atlanta - Washington-DC
Flight details Atlanta - Washington-DC
  • Flight duration: min. 01:36 / max. 05:55
  • Distance: 884 km
  • Flights per week: 254
  • Return flight duration: min. 01:49 / max. 07:20