Flights from Atlanta to Cancun

Useful information about the flight from Atlanta to Cancun

Flights from Atlanta to Cancun

The flight route between Atlanta (ATL) and Cancun (CUN) is increasing in popularity among pleasure seekers. Currently between 6 and 8 direct flights are offered on a daily basis, which last about 2 hours and fifty minutes till you step out into postcard beauty. Two airlines, Delta and Airtran will take you the 890 miles across the ocean on a direct flight.

Cheap flights from Atlanta to Cancun

Cheap flights from Atlanta to Cancun are usually easy to find if booked well in advance. However, last minute, low-cost flights are also widely available and prices will be subject to seasonal variations so there are a few options on how to save on your air ticket.

Destination Cancun

In true tourist town style, Cancun boasts a decent public transport system. The time saving in the short flight time is also carried over to the rest of the trip. Travelers can get downtown by bus every hour at a very affordable price. Recently online bookings have also become possible. Once there the wonders of Cancun unfold before one. There are the obvious attractions, like the picturesque beaches and the Mayan ruins, but travelers will do well to research the lesser known attractions, like the underground rivers. These offer great opportunities for swimming and snorkeling.

Flight information Atlanta - Cancun
Flight details Atlanta - Cancun
  • Flight duration: min. 02:38 / max. 03:00
  • Distance: 1423 km
  • Flights per week: 51
  • Return flight duration: min. 02:38 / max. 02:55